Mount Clemens, MI funeral services make sure that the funeral planning, funeral process, and funeral execution is as easy and as stress-free as possible for families who have lost a loved one. There are many things that need to be done and that happen in the background when someone dies and a funeral is being planned.
Funeral homes are run by funeral directors and staff who are specifically trained in providing funeral services. Each one of them is dedicated to helping families as they navigate through the process of death. In general, you’ll find a lot of empathy, a lot of support, a lot of kindness, and a lot of gentleness among funeral home personnel. They know you’re hurting and they know you need help, and they respond to that admirably.
Some of the funeral services that are provided by funeral homes happen as the funeral home works with the family to make funeral arrangements. Usually the first contact with a funeral home is the meeting to make funeral plans.
However, if your loved one has preplanned their funeral, you can meet with the funeral home before they die to ensure that their plan is in place (for example, if your loved one has a burial insurance policy that they’ve given to the funeral home in advance to cover their funeral expense, you and your loved one can verify that). If you’re on a verification visit with your loved one, you can also talk to the funeral home staff about the steps you need to take after your loved one dies and they will guide you through that process. There is no question a funeral home won’t answer and they will take the time to treat you and your loved one with dignity and respect.
If your loved one didn’t preplan their funeral, then in the funeral planning meeting, the funeral director will guide you through several decisions that need to be made. Be sure to have this information for your loved one: full name, date of birth and date of death, and occupation (they include this on the death certificate which is done in conjunction with medical personnel who affirm cause of death and time of death).
The first decision will be whether your loved one will be cremated or buried. If cremation is chosen, then the funeral director will ask if you want a visitation and service before the cremation or a memorial service after the cremation. If burial is chosen, then the funeral director will ask where it should take place (they will make all arrangements with the cemetery).
The next decision, if you decided to have a funeral service or memorial service, what you want to include the service and who will participate in the service. You can also request, at this point, a recording of the funeral service, if you want that.
If your loved one is being buried, the next decision will be choosing a casket (or an urn, if you are burying cremated remains). Most cemeteries require vaults for both caskets and urns and the funeral home will supply that as well.
The funeral home does all the work from here, including getting death certificates, making all the arrangements and doing all the setup for services, cremations, and burials. All the family has to do is be there and that is a relief in a time of loss and grief.
For more information about Mount Clemens, MI funeral services, our compassionate and experienced staff at Lee-Ellena Funeral Home can help. You can come by our funeral home at 46530 Romeo Plank Rd., Macomb, MI, 48044 or you can contact us today at (586) 412-8999.