There are many different things you can do for a loved one’s cremation services in Chesterfield Township, MI that can make the memorial special for them and for the rest of your family. Once you take care of their needs with a cremation package, which will care for everything they have to have, you may still want to honor them with a memorial service. These services can be completely unique if you do certain things for your loved one to bring their personality and style to light. A tribute video can be one such thing. If you are tasked with making the video, here are some things to consider.
Don’t Go Too Long
Tribute videos are very special and they can be a memorable part of any service, but you don’t want the video to run so long that it starts to lose people’s attention. If you are having the video be a part of the service and everyone will be watching it at the same time, you will want to narrow it down enough that it only takes 5-10 minutes to get through. It’s hard to sum up a loved one’s life in that length of time, but you want the video to feel right, not something that went on too long.
Collect What To Include
You may have a lot of pictures and videos yourself, but there are sometimes family members that have things you don’t. You might want to check around and collect special things from others. Even if they have things that are similar to what you have, including their help and getting their input can make them feel like they have helped with something important. And you might get some pictures you wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Pick The Right Music
The music you pick can make that video that much more special. You want to pick music that goes along with the tone of the service the family is having, but also songs that are special to your loved one and might bring up memories that the family will appreciate. If they liked music from a certain genre or era, most of the people who know they are going to know that and hearing that music will mean a lot to them.
Let People See It Later
While the guests will appreciate the tribute at the memorial service, it can be hard to remember everything that happens at those services when emotions can be high. You might want to burn DVD copies of the video to pass out to family members or, you can put a link online to a private account where they can view the video online whenever they want to see it again, think of your loved one, or remember the way you honored them.
When you are working on a tribute video for cremation services in Chesterfield Township, MI, there are a lot of things to consider and there might be a timeline to keep in mind as well. Contact the professionals at Lee-Ellena Funeral Home for any help you need with the process.