Funeral homes in Clinton Township, MI are there to help you to give your loved ones what they need and to honor them in the way they deserve. And while final services allow you to get the closure you need and give you a chance to say a final goodbye, they are not the beginning and end of your grieving process. There are plenty of ways you can work through your grief once the funeral is over and behind you. Here are a few things you might want to consider doing:
Use A Grief Journal
When you are grieving, it is hard to process your emotions. If you’ve always liked the written word, having a journal filled with your thoughts, letters to your loved one and other such things can help you to get out what you need to vent and find ways to heal. It’s nice to have somewhere you can go with your emotions at any time.
Continue Old Traditions
If you took a walk with your loved one every Saturday morning, you might want to continue taking that walk. Invite a friend or another family member along or take your dog and simply think of your loved one as you walk and the things you might have talked about if they were there with you. Continuing some of those old traditions in a new way can help you to move forward with your life.
Make A Memory Box
You may have special items that remind you of your loved one, like costume jewelry they used to wear, a letter they wrote to you, and pictures of them with your family members. Compile these items and place them in a special box that can hold those memories for you. The box can be something you pull out when you want to think of them. You can even share the items you have collected with other family members if you want.
Plant A Garden
If your loved one liked gardening or enjoyed a certain kind of flower, you might want to plan some of the things they enjoyed in your yard so you can remember them that way. You can cut the flowers, on occasion, and bring them into your home so you can think of them. Planting new life in their honor can make you smile when you think about them and the garden you planted for them.
Have Other Memorials
The initial final funeral arrangements don’t have to be the only thing you do for your loved one. You can have other memorials for them as the months or even years go by. Consider gathering your family to share memories every year around the anniversary of their death. You can even have a family dinner on their birthday and other such things.
When you want to keep a loved one’s memory fresh after their final services, funeral homes in Clinton Township, MI can offer you ideas and options to consider. Contact the funeral professionals at Lee-Ellena Funeral Home at any time.