You have a choice of ceremonies at funeral homes in Macomb, MI that you can use to pay tribute to and say goodbye to your loved one. You can use just one of them, or you can combine them.
The first type of funeral ceremony is a funeral service. Whether your loved one is being cremated or buried, you can choose to have a funeral service beforehand. Funeral services always have the body of your loved one present (you can opt to have an open or closed casket), and they are always more formal in nature.
Funeral services have a traditional format that includes readings, eulogies, a spiritual message, a prayer, and music.
Although some readings may be from the Bible – even non-religious people find comfort there in times of loss and grief – they may also be poems that your loved one cherished, prose that describes your loved one, or quotes that were your loved one’s favorites.
Eulogies are given by people who were very close to your loved one. You and your family may not be up to doing this because it’s too hard emotionally, but select one or two very close friends or extended family members who can capture the essence of your loved one, highlighting their character and their contributions to relationships, life, and the world.
The spiritual message and prayer are included to give you, your family, and other mourners hope for the future and encouragement for the present. A clergy member usually participates in this part of the funeral service, but, in reality, anyone can perform it.
Music is important in a funeral service. While there are many traditional songs and hymns that are associated with funeral services, you are free to choose whatever music you want. You may have a song that reminds you of your loved one, or your loved one may have had a favorite song that they would have wanted to be played. Whatever you choose, it should have a special meaning to you and your family.
Graveside services are another type of funeral ceremony. While these are often held in conjunction with a funeral service, they do not have to be. Graveside services are held at the site of burial. They are usually brief and include a portion that commits the body of your loved one to the ground. Since graveside services are often held during the day, this type of memorial tends to be more intimate with fewer people in attendance.
Memorial services are held after your loved one has been cremated or buried. They are typically less formal than funeral services, and are usually opened up for mourners to share stories and memories about your loved one. They may or may not have a spiritual context.
Viewings and visitations are ceremonies that let mourners pay their final respects to your loved one and offer you and your family their condolences, their comfort, their encouragement and their support. With a viewing, the body of your loved one will be present. With a visitation, the body of your loved one doesn’t have to be present.
The first type of funeral ceremony you can have is a funeral reception. This can be held after a funeral service, memorial service, or graveside service. It is an informal gathering where food and drinks are shared and people are able to mingle freely and remember the memory of your loved one.
For more information on types of funeral ceremonies at funeral homes in Macomb, MI, our compassionate and experienced staff at Lee-Ellena Funeral Home can help. You can come by our funeral home at 46530 Romeo Plank Rd., Macomb, MI, 48044 or you can contact us today at (586) 412-8999.