Funeral services are going to be different than cremation services in Washington Township, MI and one cremation service is different than another as well. In fact, every cremation memorial service is completely unique. While you may have attended one in the past that was like a funeral, you may have also been to one that was more of a celebration of life. You might want to get some tips and advice before you attend the next cremation services as that one can be different as well. Here are some tips.
Wear Something For The Service Style
Since cremation services can be different styles, you are going to want to know what style the service is going to be so you can wear something that fits into that style. The obituary you read might tell you what the service style is. It might even have details, like asking everyone to wear a certain color to honor the person. If there aren’t any details that are obvious, you can always contact the funeral home having the service to see what they know and what they suggest. You can also talk to family members and friends who might know more about the service style than you do.
Arrive On Time
Cremation services are no different than funerals in that you want to be there on time. Even if the family is having a casual celebration of life, the way they are honoring their loved one is important and it’s important for you to be there on time out of respect for what they want to do for their loved one. Unless they specify that the event is an open house, be there on time.
Silence Your Phone, Always
It doesn’t matter if the loved one is having a bowling celebration or a formal cremation service in a church, you want your phone to be on silent or completely off. Whatever the family is doing is important to them and it deserves your full attention. Your phone calls, texts, and so on can all wait for another time.
Greet The Family
Depending on the type of service the family is having, there may not be a receiving line where you can greet the family. But you should still try and find some time around the event they are having to talk to them. Don’t interrupt others, but get a word or two in at some point. Let them know you are there and that you are sorry for their loss. You don’t have to say anything all that special in order to let them know you are thinking of them and supporting them.
If you are going to attend cremation services in Washington Township, MI, check and see what service style you are dealing with so you know more about how you want to approach the process. The professionals at Lee-Ellena Funeral Home are here to give you advice at any time. Give us a call and we can help you with any questions you have. We want to support families in mourning, but also those around them.